Thanks, I'll try it.

Matthias Pohl <> 于2020年11月14日周六 上午12:53写道:

> Hi Si-li,
> trying to answer your initial question: Theoretically, you could try using
> the co-location constraints to achieve this. But keep in mind that this
> might lead to multiple Join operators running in the same JVM reducing the
> amount of memory each operator can utilize.
> Best,
> Matthias
> On Mon, Nov 9, 2020 at 4:23 AM Si-li Liu <> wrote:
>> Thanks for your reply.
>> It's a streaming job. The join operator is doing join work, such as join.
>> The join state is too large so I don't want to keep the state using the
>> mechanism that Flink provided, and also I don't need very precise join. So
>> I prefer to let the join operator to calculate a backward timestamp as
>> state, if the cluster restarts, the consumer can use setStartFromTimestamp
>> to start from that timestamp.
>> Now my problem is, consumer can't read the state that join operator
>> written, so I need a way to need small message (64bit long) from downstream
>> to upstream. Redis may be a solution, but add external  dependency is a
>> secondary option if I can pass this message through memory.
>> Chesnay Schepler <> 于2020年11月6日周五 上午7:06写道:
>>> It would be good if you could elaborate a bit more on your use-case.
>>> Are you using batch or streaming? What kind of "message" are we talking
>>> about? Why are you thinking of using a static variable, instead of just
>>> treating this message as part of the data(set/stream)?
>>> On 11/5/2020 12:55 PM, Si-li Liu wrote:
>>> Currently I use Flink 1.9.1. The actual thing I want to do is send some
>>> messages from downstream operators to upstream operators, which I consider
>>> use static variable.
>>> But it makes me have to make sure in one taskmanager process it always
>>> has these two operators, can I use CoLocationGroup to solve this problem?
>>> Or can anyone give me an example to demostrate the usage of CoLocationGroup
>>> ?
>>> Thanks!
>>> --
>>> Best regards
>>> Sili Liu
>> --
>> Best regards
>> Sili Liu

Best regards

Sili Liu

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