Hi Ruben,
by looking at the code, it seems you should be able to do that. At least
for batch workloads we are using
which is a FileInputFormat that supports the mentioned configuration option.
The problem is that this might not have been exposed via SQL properties
yet. So you would need to write your own property-to-InputFormat factory
that does it similar to:
What you could do create your own factory and extend from the above so
you can set additional properties. Not a nice solution but a workaround
for now.
More information to how to write your own factory can also be found here:
I hope this helps.
On 09.11.20 09:27, Ruben Laguna wrote:
Is it possible?
For Dataset I've found [1] :
|parameters.setBoolean("recursive.file.enumeration", true); // pass the
configuration to the data source DataSet<String> logs =
But can I achieve something similar with the Table SQL?
I have the following directory structure
So for each day I have 255 subdirectories from 00 to FF and each of
those directories can have 1000-3000 files and I would like to load all
those files in one go.