|The "mismatch" is due to you mixing job and vertex states.
|These are the states a job can be in (based on
|These are the states a vertex can be in (based on
|Naturally, for your code you only want to check for the lattern.
|The documentation is hence correct. FYI, we directly access the
corresponding enums to generate this list, so it _cannot_ be out-of-sync.|
On 11/5/2020 11:16 AM, Flavio Pompermaier wrote:
What do you thinkin about this very rough heuristic (obviously it
makes sense only for batch jobs)?
It's far from perfect but at least it gives an idea of something
going on..
PS: I found some mismatch from the states documented in [1] and the
ones I found in the ExecutionState enum..
Map<ExecutionState, Integer> statusCount =
int uncompleted =
statusCount.getOrDefault(ExecutionState.CREATED, 0) + //
statusCount.getOrDefault(ExecutionState.RUNNING, 0) + ///
statusCount.getOrDefault(ExecutionState.CANCELING, 0) + //
statusCount.getOrDefault(ExecutionState.DEPLOYING, 0) + //
// statusCount.getOrDefault(ExecutionState.FAILING,0)+ // not
found in Flink 1.11.0
// statusCount.getOrDefault(ExecutionState.SUSPENDED,0)+ ///
not found in Flink 1.11.0
statusCount.getOrDefault(ExecutionState.RECONCILING, 0) + //
// statusCount.getOrDefault(ExecutionState.RESTARTING,0) +
/// not found in Flink 1.11.0
statusCount.getOrDefault(ExecutionState.RUNNING, 0) + //
statusCount.getOrDefault(ExecutionState.SCHEDULED, 0);
int completed = statusCount.getOrDefault(ExecutionState.FINISHED,
0) + //
statusCount.getOrDefault(ExecutionState.FAILED, 0) + //
statusCount.getOrDefault(ExecutionState.CANCELED, 0);
final Integer completionPercentage = Math.floorDiv(completed,
completed + uncompleted);
Thanks in advance,
On Thu, Aug 13, 2020 at 4:17 PM Arvid Heise <ar...@ververica.com
<mailto:ar...@ververica.com>> wrote:
Hi Flavio,
This is a daunting task to implement properly. There is an easy
fix in related workflow systems though. Assuming that it's a
rerunning task, then you simply store the run times of the last
run, use some kind of low-pass filter (=decaying average) and
compare the current runtime with the expected runtime. Even if
Flink would have some estimation, it's probably not more accurate
than this.
On Tue, Aug 11, 2020 at 10:26 AM Robert Metzger
<rmetz...@apache.org <mailto:rmetz...@apache.org>> wrote:
Hi Flavio,
I'm not aware of such a heuristic being implemented anywhere.
You need to come up with something yourself.
On Fri, Aug 7, 2020 at 12:55 PM Flavio Pompermaier
<pomperma...@okkam.it <mailto:pomperma...@okkam.it>> wrote:
Hi to all,
one of our customers asked us to see a percentage of
completion of a Flink Batch job. Is there any already
implemented heuristic I can use to compute it? Will this
be possible also when DataSet api will migrate to
Thanks in advance,
Arvid Heise| Senior Java Developer
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