Hi Yuta,

there are indeed a few important differences between Spark and Flink.
However, please also note that different APIs behave differently on both
systems. So it would be good if you could clarify what you are doing, so I
can go in more detail.

As a starting point, you can always check the architecture overview page
[1] of Flink.

Then keep in mind that Flink approaches the whole scheduling from a
streaming perspective and Spark from a batch perspective. In Flink, most
tasks are always running with a few exceptions (pure batch API = Spark
default), whereas in Spark tasks are usually scheduled in waves with a few
exceptions (continuous processing in structured streaming = Flink default).

Note that there is also quite a bit moving in both systems. In Flink, we
try to get rid of the old batch subsystem and fully integrate it in
streaming, such that the actual scheduling mode is determined more
dynamically for parts of the whole application. Think of a job where you
need to do some batch preprocessing to build up some dictionary and then
use it to enrich streaming data. During next year, Flink should be able to
fully exploit the data properties of streaming and batch tasks of the same
application. In Spark, they also seem to work towards supporting more
complex applications in continuous processing mode (so beyond the current
embarrassing parallel operations), for which they may also need to revise
their scheduling model.


On Fri, Oct 30, 2020 at 10:05 AM Yuta Morisawa <yu-moris...@kddi-research.jp>

> Hello,
> I am wondering whether Flink operators synchronize their execution
> states like Apache Spark. In Apache Spark, the master decides
> everything, for example, it schedules jobs and assigns tasks to
> Executors so that each job is executed in a synchronized way. But Flink
> looks different. It appears that each TaskManagers are dedicated to
> specific operators and they asynchronously execute tasks. Is this
> understanding correct?
> In short, I want to know how Flink assigns tasks to TaskManagers and how
> manage them because I think it is important for performance tuning.
> Could you tell me If you have any detail documentation?
> Regards,
> Yuta
> --


Arvid Heise | Senior Java Developer


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