Hi Yi, Sorry I'm might not be experts for SQL, as a whole, since SQL should be a high-level API, the users might have less control for the jobs: 1. Unfortunately we do not have the API to catch all the errors. I think even with DataStream, we also do not provide API to catch the runtime exception such as the one related to network. Could you also explain a bit on why this functionality is wanted? 2. SQL API currently also does not provide API to sideout the late records, since the standard SQL does not provide the corresponding grammar, it would be a bit complex to provide the corresponding functionalities.
Best, Yun ------------------Original Mail ------------------ Sender:Yi Tang <ssnailt...@gmail.com> Send Date:Thu Oct 29 15:08:30 2020 Recipients:Flink ML <user@flink.apache.org> Subject:Unify error handler and late window record output for SQL api Hi, I'm looking for a way to handle potential errors in job submitted with SQL API, but unfortunately nothing found. Handle errors manually in SQL API is hard, I think. Is there a way to handle all errors and send them to a SideOutput to avoid task failure. Also one can put late records into a SideOutput in streaming API, looks like there's no equivalent in SQL API. Thanks.