
thanks for letting us know about this shortcoming.

I will link someone from the runtime team in the JIRA issue. Let's continue the discussion there.


On 22.10.20 05:36, chenkaibit wrote:
Hi everyone:
  I met this Exception when a hard disk was damaged:

I checked the code and found that flink will create a temp file  when Record length > 5 MB:

// SpillingAdaptiveSpanningRecordDeserializer.java if  (nextRecordLength > 
    // create a spilling channel and put the data there     
this.spillingChannel = createSpillingChannel();

    ByteBuffer toWrite = partial.segment.wrap(partial.position, numBytesChunk);
    FileUtils.writeCompletely(this.spillingChannel, toWrite);

The tempDir is random picked from all `tempDirs`. Well on yarn mode, one `tempDir`  usually represents one hard disk. In may opinion, if a hard disk is damaged, taskmanager should pick another disk(tmpDir) for Spilling Channel, rather than throw an IOException, which causes flink job restart over and over again.

I have created a jira issue ( https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-18811 )  to track this. And I'm looking forward someone could help review the code or discuss about this issue.

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