Hey Piotr,

Thanks for your help! The main thing I was missing was the .broadcast partition 
operation on a stream (searching for “broadcasting” obviously brought up the 
broadcast state pattern). This coupled with my misunderstanding of an error in 
my code as being an error in Flink code resulted in me making this a much 
harder problem than it needed to be.

For anyone who may find this in the future, Piotr’s suggestion is pretty 
spot-on. I wound up broadcasting (as in the partitioning strategy) my schema 
stream and connecting it to my event stream. I then processed those using a 
CoProcessFunction, using the schema messages to update the parsing for the 
events. I also emitted a side output message when I processed a new schema, 
using the same type as my main output messages. I once again 
broadcast-as-in-partitioning the side output stream, unioned it with my 
processed output from the CoProcessFunction and passed it to my sink, making 
sure to handle control messages before attempting to do any bucketing.

In poor ASCII art, it looks something like the below:

_______________                       ____________
| Schema Source |                | Event Source |
-----------------------                  -------------------
              |                                         |
       Broadcast                                 |
              |        __________               |
               ----- | Processor | -----------
                      |                  | -----------       • Control message 
side output
                       ---------------               |
                                 |                      |
                                 |               Broadcast
                                 |                      |
                            Union  --------------
                         |   Sink   |

I hope this is helpful to someone.


From: Piotr Nowojski <pnowoj...@apache.org>
Date: Wednesday, October 14, 2020 at 11:22 PM
To: "Jaffe, Julian" <julianja...@activision.com>
Cc: "user@flink.apache.org" <user@flink.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Broadcasting control messages to a sink

Hi Julian,

I think the problem is that BroadcastProcessFunction and SinkFunction will be 
executed by separate operators, so they won't be able to share state. If you 
can not split your logic into two, I think you will have to workaround this 
problem differently.

1. Relay on operator chaining and wire both of them together.

If you set up your BroadcastProcessFunction and SinkFunction one after another, 
with the same parallelism, with the default chaining, without any 
rebalance/keyBy in between, you can be sure they will be chained together. So 
the output type of your record between BroadcastProcessFunction and 
SinkFunction, can be a Union type, of a) your actual payload, b) broadcasted 
message. Upon initialization/before processing first record, if you have any 
broadcast state, you would need to forward it's content to the downstream 
SinkFunction as well.

2. Another solution is that maybe you can try to embed SinkFunction inside the 
BroadcastProcessFunction? This will require some careful proxying and wrapping 
3. As always, you can also write a custom operator that will be doing the same 

For the 2. and 3. I'm not entirely sure if there are some gotchas that I 
haven't thought through (state handling?), so if you can make 1. work for you, 
it will probably be a safer route.


śr., 14 paź 2020 o 19:42 Jaffe, Julian 
<julianja...@activision.com<mailto:julianja...@activision.com>> napisał(a):
Thanks for the suggestion Piotr!

The problem is that the sink needs to have access to the schema (so that it can 
write the schema only once per file instead of record) and thus needs to know 
when the schema has been updated. In this proposed architecture, I think the 
sink would still need to check each record to see if the current schema matches 
the new record or not? The main problem I encountered when playing around with 
broadcast state was that I couldn’t figure out how to access the broadcast 
state within the sink, but perhaps I just haven’t thought about it the right 
way. I’ll meditate on the docs further  🙂


From: Piotr Nowojski <pnowoj...@apache.org<mailto:pnowoj...@apache.org>>
Date: Wednesday, October 14, 2020 at 6:35 AM
To: "Jaffe, Julian" 
Cc: "user@flink.apache.org<mailto:user@flink.apache.org>" 
Subject: Re: Broadcasting control messages to a sink

Hi Julian,

Have you seen Broadcast State [1]? I have never used it personally, but it 
sounds like something you want. Maybe your job should look like:

1. read raw messages from Kafka, without using the schema
2. read schema changes and broadcast them to 3. and 5.
3. deserialize kafka records in BroadcastProcessFunction by using combined 1. 
and 2.
4. do your logic o
5. serialize records using schema in another BroadcastProcessFunction by using 
combined 4. and 2.
6. write raw records using BucketingSink



śr., 14 paź 2020 o 11:01 Jaffe, Julian 
<julianja...@activision.com<mailto:julianja...@activision.com>> napisał(a):
Hey all,

I’m building a Flink app that pulls in messages from a Kafka topic and writes 
them out to disk using a custom bucketed sink. Each message needs to be parsed 
using a schema that is also needed when writing in the sink. This schema is 
read from a remote file on a distributed file system (it could also be fetched 
from a service). The schema will be updated very infrequently.

In order to support schema evolution, I have created a custom source that 
occasionally polls for updates and if it finds one parses the new schema and 
sends a message containing the serialized schema. I’ve connected these two 
streams and then use a RichCoFlatMapFunction to flatten them back into a single 
output stream (schema events get used to update the parser, messages get parsed 
using the parser and emitted).

However, I need some way to communicate the updated schema to every task of the 
sink. Simply emitting a control message that is ignored when writing to disk 
means that only one sink partition will receive the message and thus update the 
schema. I thought about sending the control message as side output and then 
broadcasting the resulting stream to the sink alongside the processed event 
input but I couldn’t figure out a way to do so. For now, I’m bundling the 
schema used to parse each event with the event, storing the schema in the sink, 
and then checking every event’s schema against the stored schema but this is 
fairly inefficient. Also, I’d like to eventually increase the types of control 
messages I can send to the sink, some of which may not be idempotent. Is there 
a better way to handle this pattern?

(Bonus question: ideally, I’d like to be able to perform an action when all 
sink partitions have picked up the new schema. I’m not aware of any way to emit 
metadata of this sort from Flink tasks beyond abusing the metrics system. This 
approach still leaves open the possibility of tasks picking up the new schema 
and then crashing for unrelated reasons thus inflating the count of tasks using 
a specific schema and moreover requires tracking at least the current level of 
parallelism and probably also Flink task state outside of Flink. Are there any 
patterns for reporting metadata like this to the job manager?)

I’m using Flink 1.8.

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