I'm writing a test for a batch job using MiniClusterResourceConfiguration.

Here's a simple description of my working test case:
1) I use TableEnvironment.executeSql(...) to create a source and sink table
using tmp filesystem directory.
2) I use executeSql to insert some test data into the source tabel.
3) I use executeSql to select from source and insert into sink.
4) I use executeSql from the same source to a different sink.

When I do these steps, it works.  If I remove step 4, no data gets written
to the sink.  My actual code is more complex than this (has create view,
join and more tables).  This is a simplified description but highlights the
weird error.

Has anyone hit issues like this?  I'm assuming I have a small code bug in
my queries that's causing issues.  These queries appear to work in
production so I'm confused.  Are there ways of viewing failed jobs or
queries with MiniClusterResourceConfiguration?

- Dan

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