
I'd like to mention another approach, which might not be as "flinkish", but removes the source of issues which arise when writing bulk files. The actual cause of issues here is that when creating bulk output, the most efficient option is to have _reversed flow of commit_. That is to say - on contrary of Flink's checkpoint barrier flowing from sources to sinks - the optimal performance in bulk case is to let the sink commit source once it finishes the bulk write (with whatever period). This is currently impossible to achieve with Flink, but what works for me the best is to use Flink sinks to write streaming commit log (e.g. Kafka) and then have independent processes (Kafka consumers or equivalent) to read output topics, pack them and push to bulk store, once the write is finished, the Kafka topic is committed. It requires deployment of additional application, but that is low overhead in deployments like k8s.

Moreover, this solves the dilemma between quick commits (for real-time data) and large files, because one can read data from both streaming (real real-time) source and do a union with batch data stored at bulk store. Both these techniques are implemented in [1] (disclaimer: I'm one of the core developers of that platform).


[1] https://github.com/O2-Czech-Republic/proxima-platform

On 9/14/20 2:03 PM, Arvid Heise wrote:
Hi Kumar,

for late events, I have seen two approaches:

* Initial compaction every day, repeated compaction after two days, and after 1 week. * Using something like delta lake [1], which is a set of specially structured parquet files. Usually you also compact them after some time (e.g. 1 week in your case), but you can query them efficiently in the meantime.

However, I'm not aware of some out-of-the-box delta lake solution for Flink. This might be something that we could put on the community agenda if there is a general interest.

[1] https://slacker.ro/2019/08/21/diving-into-delta-lake-unpacking-the-transaction-log/

On Fri, Sep 11, 2020 at 5:16 PM Senthil Kumar <senthi...@vmware.com <mailto:senthi...@vmware.com>> wrote:

    Hello Ayush,

    I am interesting in knowing about your “really simple” implementation.

    So assuming the streaming parquet output goes to S3 bucket:
    Initial (partitioned by event time)

    Do you write another Flink batch application (step 2) which
    partitions the data from Initial in larger “event time” chunks

    and writes it out to another S3 bucket?

    In our case, we are getting straggling records with event times
    which might be up to 1 week old.

    One approach is to simply write the batch job after 1 week, but
    then we lose the ability to query the recent data in an efficient

    I would appreciate any ideas etc.



    *From: *Ayush Verma <ayushver...@gmail.com
    *Date: *Friday, September 11, 2020 at 8:14 AM
    *To: *Robert Metzger <rmetz...@apache.org
    *Cc: *Marek Maj <marekm...@gmail.com
    <mailto:marekm...@gmail.com>>, user <user@flink.apache.org
    *Subject: *Re: Streaming data to parquet


    Looking at the problem broadly, file size is directly tied up with
    how often you commit. No matter which system you use, this
    variable will always be there. If you commit frequently, you will
    be close to realtime, but you will have numerous small files. If
    you commit after long intervals, you will have larger files, but
    this is as good as a "batch world". We solved this problem at my
    company by having 2 systems. One to commit the files at small
    intervals, thus bringing data into durable storage reliably, and
    one to roll up these small files. It's actually really simple to
    implement this if you don't try to do it in a single job.



    On Fri, Sep 11, 2020 at 2:22 PM Robert Metzger
    <rmetz...@apache.org <mailto:rmetz...@apache.org>> wrote:

        Hi Marek,

        what you are describing is a known problem in Flink. There are
        some thoughts on how to address this in
        and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-17505

        Maybe some ideas there help you already for your current
        problem (use long checkpoint intervals).

        A related idea to (2) is to write your data with the Avro
        format, and then regularly use a batch job to transform your
        data from Avro to Parquet.

        I hope these are some helpful pointers. I don't have a good
        overview over other potential open source solutions.



        On Thu, Sep 10, 2020 at 5:10 PM Marek Maj <marekm...@gmail.com
        <mailto:marekm...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            Hello Flink Community,

            When designing our data pipelines, we very often encounter
            the requirement to stream traffic (usually from kafka) to
            external distributed file system (usually HDFS or S3).
            This data is typically meant to be queried from
            hive/presto or similar tools. Preferably data sits in
            columnar format like parquet.

            Currently, using flink, it is possible to leverage
            StreamingFileSink to achieve what we want to some extent.
            It satisfies our requirements to partition data by event
            time, ensure exactly-once semantics and fault-tolerance
            with checkpointing. Unfortunately, when using bulk writer
            like PaquetWriter, that comes with a price of producing a
            big number of files which degrades the performance of

            I believe that many companies struggle with similar use
            cases. I know that some of them have already approached
            that problem. Solutions like Alibaba Hologres or Netflix
            solution with Iceberg described during FF 2019 emerged.
            Given that full transition to real-time data warehouse may
            take a significant amount of time and effort, I would like
            to primarily focus on solutions for tools like hive/presto
            backed up by a distributed file system. Usually those are
            the systems that we are integrating with.

            So what options do we have? Maybe I missed some existing
            open source tool?

            Currently, I can come up with two approaches using flink

            1. Cache incoming traffic in flink state until trigger
            fires according to rolling strategy, probably with some
            late events special strategy and then output data with
            StreamingFileSink. Solution is not perfect as it may
            introduce additional latency and queries will still be
            less performant compared to fully compacted files (late
            events problem). And the biggest issue I am afraid of is
            actually a performance drop while releasing data from
            flink state and its peak character

            2. Focus on implementing batch rewrite job that will
            compact data offline. Source for the job could be both
            kafka or small files produced by another job that uses
            plain StreamingFileSink. The drawback is that whole system
            gets more complex, additional maintenance is needed and,
            maybe what is more troubling, we enter to batch world
            again (how could we know that no more late data will come
            and we can safely run the job)

            I would really love to hear what are community thoughts on

            Kind regards


Arvid Heise| Senior Java Developer


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