Hi Heidy,

I agree with David that a heap-based state backend would improve the serialization overhead a lot.

If you like to optimize your serialization further, I would recommend to look at the type that comes out of TypeInformation.of with a debugger. You can find a list of all types and a brief examplanation in `org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.Types`. Selecting the type for a state should be a well-defined (also in terms of schema evolution/backwards compatibility).


On 09.09.20 21:50, David Anderson wrote:
Heidy, which state backend are you using? With RocksDB Flink will have to do ser/de on every access and update, but with the FsStateBackend, your sparse matrix will sit in memory, and only have to be serialized during checkpointing.


On Wed, Sep 9, 2020 at 2:41 PM Heidi Hazem Mohamed <h.ha...@nu.edu.eg <mailto:h.ha...@nu.edu.eg>> wrote:

    Hi Walther,

    Many thanks for your answer, I declared the state type as below

    ValueStateDescriptor<SparseBinaryMatrix> descriptor =
             new ValueStateDescriptor<SparseBinaryMatrix>(
                    "Rating Matrix",
    TypeInformation.of(new TypeHint<SparseBinaryMatrix>() {

    Is there a better way?



    *From:* Timo Walther <twal...@apache.org <mailto:twal...@apache.org>>
    *Sent:* Wednesday, September 9, 2020 1:58 PM
    *To:* user@flink.apache.org <mailto:user@flink.apache.org>
    <user@flink.apache.org <mailto:user@flink.apache.org>>
    *Subject:* Re: Slow Performance inquiry
    Hi Hazem,

    I guess your performance is mostly driven by the serialization overhead
    in this case. How do you declare your state type?

    Flink comes with different serializers. Not all of them are extracted
    automatically when using reflective extraction methods:

    -  Note that `Serializable` declaration has no effect for Flink, other
    than NOT using Flink's efficient serializers.
    - Flink's POJO serializer only works with a default constructor
    - Row needs to explicit declaration of fields.


    On 09.09.20 13:08, Heidi Hazem Mohamed wrote:
    > Dear,
> > I am writing a Flink program(Recommender system) needed a matrix as a > state which is the rating matrix, While the matrix is very sparse, I > implemented a sparse binary matrix to save the memory and save only the > ones, not all the matrix and use it as a data type and save it in a > value State but unexpectedly the performance became terrible and the job > became very slow, I wonder any suggestion to know what is the problem? > > My first implementation for the rating matrix state : > > MapState<String, Map<String, Float>>ratingMatrix; > > > The second implementation (the slow one) for rating matrix state: > > ValueState<SparseBinaryMatrix>userItemRatingHistory; > > > and this apart from sparseBinaryMatrix class > > public class SparseBinaryMatriximplements Serializable { > >      private ArrayList<Row>content; > > private int rowLength; > > private HashMap<String, Integer>columnLabels;
    > private HashMap<Integer, String>inverseColumnLabels;
> > private HashMap<String, Integer>rowLabels;
    > private HashMap<Integer, String>inverseRowLabels;
> > private enum LabelerType{Row, Column}; > > public IntegercolNumber;
    > public IntegerrowNumber;
> > > // This constructor initializes the matrix with zeros
    > public SparseBinaryMatrix(int rows, int columns)
    >      {
    >          content =new ArrayList<>(rows);
    > rowLength = columns;
    > // for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
    > // content.add(new Row(columns));
> > > } > > > > Is depending on other class (Row) may lead to this terrible performance > while Row is class I have implemented and this is part of it > > public class Rowimplements Serializable {
    >      //This is an alternating sorted array
    > private ArrayList<Integer>content;
    > private int length=0;
> > public Row (int numbColumns)
    >      {
    >          length = numbColumns;
    > for (int i =0; i < numbColumns;i++)
    >              setColumnToZero(i);
    > }
> >      public Row (int[] initialValues )
    >      {
    >          length = initialValues.length;
    > content =new ArrayList<>(length);
    > for (int i =0; i <length;i++)
    >              setColumn(i, initialValues[i]);
    > }
> > > Regards, > > Heidy >

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