Hi Piper,

Welcome to Flink Community.

Import flink project like any other project into IDE, only difference while
running is you have click on  "Include dependencies with "Provided" scope"
in the main class run configurations. This bundles the Flink dependencies
in the artifact, making it a fat jar and deploy it.


1. Open main class run/debug configurations
2. Click on Include dependencies with Provided scope.
3. Apply


On Sun, Aug 30, 2020 at 11:40 PM Piper Piper <piperfl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Till now, I have only been using Flink binaries. How do I setup Flink in
> my IntelliJ IDE so that while running/debugging my Flink application
> program I can also step into the Flink source code?
> Do I first need to import Flink's source repository into my IDE and build
> it?
> Thanks,
> Piper


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