
I am trying to investigate a problem with non-released resources in my 

I have a stateful application which submits Flink DataSetjobs using code very 
similar to the code in CliFrontend.
I noticed what I am getting a lot of non-closed connections to my data store 
(HBase in my case). The connections are held by the application not the jobs 

I am using HBaseRowDataInputFormat and it seems that HBase connections opened 
in the configure() method during the job graph creation(before the jobs is 
executed) are not closed. My search lead me to the method 
DataSourceNode.computeOperatorSpecificDefaultEstimates(DataStatistics) where I 
see that a format is not closed after being configured.

Is that correct? How can I overcome this issue?

My application is long running that is probably why I observe the resource 
leak. Would I spawn a new JVM to run jobs this problem would not be noticeable.

Thank you!


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