@Jark Would it be possible to use the 1.11 debezium support in 1.10?
On 20/08/2020 19:59, Rex Fenley wrote:
I'm trying to set up Flink with Debezium CDC Connector on AWS EMR,
however, EMR only supports Flink 1.10.0, whereas Debezium Connector
arrived in Flink 1.11.0, from looking at the documentation.
I'm wondering what alternative solutions are available for connecting
Debezium to Flink? Is there an open source Debezium connector that
works with Flink 1.10.0? Could I potentially pull the code out for the
1.11.0 Debezium connector and compile it in my project using Flink
1.10.0 api?
For context, I plan on doing some fairly complicated long lived
stateful joins / materialization using the Table API over data
ingested from Postgres and possibly MySQL.
Appreciate any help, thanks!
Rex Fenley|Software Engineer - Mobile and Backend
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