Hello Flink Friends!

This is a long-shot, but I'm wondering if anyone is thinking or working on
applying tracing to Streaming systems and in particular Flink. As far as I
understand this is a fairly open problem and so I'm curious how folks are
thinking about it and if anyone has considered how they might apply tracing
to Flink systems.

Some patterns in Streaming systems fit into tracing fairly easily (consumer
fanout-out, for example) but many patterns do not. For example, how do you
trace when there is batching or aggregations? Nevertheless, I'm sure some
folks have thought about this or even tried to implement solutions, and so
I'd love to hear about this. Especially if there are any standards work in
this direction (for example, within the OpenTracing project).

If you've thought about this, implemented something, or are working on
standards related to this, I'd love to hear from you! Thank you!


Aaron Levin

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