Hi All,

 I have an EMR Cluster with one Master Node and 3 worker Nodes ( it has auto
scaling enabled and the max no.of worker nodes can go up to 8). 

I have 3 Spark Jobs that are running currently on the Cluster.

I submitted 3 Flink Jobs and all of them finished as the slots are not
available error.

In flink-conf.xml i have

jobmanager.heap.mb: 4096
taskmanager.heap.mb: 4096

And the Master node has 16 vcores and 64Gb Memory and each worker node has 4
vcores and 16GB Memory.

And when i am submitting the flink job i am passing the arg (-p 2) which
should set the parallelism to 2.

And YARN UI is showing the following stats

Containers Running : 7
Memory Used          : 21.63GB
Memory Total          : 36GB
vCores Used           : 7
VCores Total           : 12
Active Nodes          : 3

I cannot figure out why the slots cannot be allocated to Flink Jobs. First
of all even with 3 Active Nodes there are still 5 VCores available and more
over for this Cluster Auto Scaling is enabled and EMR should allocate up to
8 Nodes i.e 5 more new nodes should be allocated is required.

Appreciate any insights.

Also i cannot find the task manager logs on any of the nodes.


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