Yes, the job was running and the REST server as well. No JobMaster failures 
I used a test cluster deployed on a bunch of VM's and bare metal boxes.
I am afraid, I can no longer reproduce this issue. It occurred a couple days 
ago and lasted for an entire day with jobs being quite often erratically 
reported as Not Found. As I said, I noticed that another query immediately 
after the one that returned Not Found consistently returned a correct result.
It had never occurred before and I am afraid now I could no longer observe it 
again. I appreciate it does not give too much information so I will come back 
with more info on this thread if it happens again.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kostas Kloudas <> 
Sent: 24 July 2020 15:46
To: Tomasz Dudziak <>
Cc:; Chesnay Schepler <>
Subject: Re: REST API randomly returns Not Found for an existing job

Hi Tomasz,

Thanks a lot for reporting this issue. If you have verified that the job is 
running AND that the REST server is also up and running (e.g.
check the overview page) then I think that this should not be happening. I am 
cc'ing Chesnay who may have an additional opinion on this.


On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 12:59 PM Tomasz Dudziak <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have come across an issue related to GET /job/:jobId endpoint from 
> monitoring REST API in Flink 1.9.0. A few seconds after successfully starting 
> a job and confirming its status as RUNNING, that endpoint would return 404 
> (Not Found). Interestingly, querying immediately again (literally a 
> millisecond later) would return a valid result. I later noticed a similar 
> behaviour in regard to a finished job as well. At certain points in time that 
> endpoint would arbitrarily return 404, but similarly querying again would 
> succeed. I saw this strange behaviour only recently and it used to work fine 
> before.
> Do you know what could be the root cause of this? At the moment, as a 
> workaround I just query a job a couple of times in a row to ensure 
> whether it definitely does not exist or it is just being misreported 
> as non-existent, but this feels a bit like cottage industry…
> Kind regards,
> Tomasz
> Tomasz Dudziak | Marshall Wace LLP, George House, 131 Sloane Street, 
> London, SW1X 9AT | E-mail: | Tel: +44 207 024 7061
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