Hi Suraj,

AFAIK, it is not a good practice to rolling update the JobManager and
TaskManagers. Since
every restarting of Pod will cause a failover of Flink job. Instead, i
prefer to enable the HA configuration(e.g. zookeeper),
then you could completely delete the current deployment and start a new
one, including JobManager and TaskManager.
All the jobs could recover from the latest checkpoint if the cluster id do
not change.

You could also restart the Flink application from a savepoint without HA

Some K8s operators could make the upgrading of continuous Flink application

[1]. https://github.com/lyft/flinkk8soperator
[2]. https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/flink-on-k8s-operator


Suraj Puvvada <su...@traceable.ai> 于2020年7月23日周四 上午1:30写道:

> Hello
> Wanted to understand the best practices around running Flink in Kubernetes
> especially from a continuous deployment perspective.
> Is it possible to do a rolling update ?
> Thanks
> Suraj

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