Thanks Chen.

I'm thinking about errors that occur while processing a record/message that
shouldn't be retried until after some "action" has been taken Vs flooding
the system with pointless retries e.g.

   - A side output step might involve an API call to an external system and
   that system is down atm so there's no point retrying until further notice.
   For this we want to be able to send something to a DLQ.
   - We have some bad code that is resulting in an uncaught exception in
   very specific cases. We want these to go to a DLQ and only be retried after
   the appropriate fix has been made.

The possible scenarios for this are numerous so I think my main question
would be ... are there established general Flink patterns or best practices
that can be applied for this, or is it something we'd need to hand-role on
a case by case basis with a side output type solution such as in your
example? We can do that but I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing
anything before heading down that road.



On Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 5:46 PM Chen Qin <> wrote:

> Could you more specific on what “failed message” means here?
> In general side output can do something like were
> def process(ele) {
>    try{
>         biz
> } catch {
>    Sideout( ele + exception context)
> }
> }
> process(func).sideoutput(tag).addSink(kafkasink)
> Thanks,
> Chen
> *From: *Eleanore Jin <>
> *Sent: *Wednesday, July 22, 2020 9:25 AM
> *To: *Tom Fennelly <>
> *Cc: *user <>
> *Subject: *Re: Recommended pattern for implementing a DLQ with Flink+Kafka
> +1 we have a similar use case for message schema validation.
> Eleanore
> On Wed, Jul 22, 2020 at 4:12 AM Tom Fennelly <>
> wrote:
> Hi.
> I've been searching blogs etc trying to see if there are
> established patterns/mechanisms for reprocessing of failed messages via
> something like a DLQ. I've read about using checkpointing and restarting
> tasks (not what we want because we want to keep processing forward) and
> then also how some use side outputs to filter "bad" data to a DLQ style
> topic. Kafka has dead letter topic configs too but it seems that can't
> really be used from inside Flink (from what I can see).
> We're running Flink+Kafka. I'm new to Flink+Kafka so not sure if there
> just isn't a defined pattern for it, or if I'm just not asking the right
> questions in my searches. I searched the archives here and don't see
> anything either, which obviously makes me think that I'm not thinking about
> this in the "Flink way" :-|
> Regards,
> Tom.

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