
After making the task.managed. Memory. fraction as 0 , i see that JVM heap
memory increased from 512 mb to 1 GB.

Earlier I was getting a maximum of 4-6k per second throughput on Kafka
source for ingestion rate of 12k+/second. Now I see that improved to 11k
per task(parallelism of 1) and 16.5k+ second when run with parallelism of
2. (8.25k per task)..

The maximum memory used during the run was 500 mb of heap space.

>From this exercise , I understand that increasing JVM memory would directly
support/increase throughout. Am i correct?

Our goal is to test for 100k ingestion per second and try to calculate cost
for 1 million per second ( hope it's linear relation)

I also saw the CPU utilisation peaked to 50% during the same.

1) Let me know what you think of the same, as I would continue to test.

2) Is there a benchmark for number of records handled per Kafka connector
task for a particular JVM heap number.


On Fri 17 Jul, 2020, 06:18 Xintong Song, <tonysong...@gmail.com> wrote:

> *I had set Checkpoint to use the Job manager backend.*
> Jobmanager backend also runs in JVM heap space and does not use managed
> memory. Setting managed memory fraction to 0 will give you larger JVM heap
> space, thus lesser GC pressure.
> Thank you~
> Xintong Song
> On Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 10:38 PM Prasanna kumar <
> prasannakumarram...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Xintong Song,
>>    - Which version of Flink is used?    *1.10*
>>    - Which deployment mode is used? *Standalone*
>>    - Which cluster mode is used? *Job*
>>    - Do you mean you have a 4core16gb node for each task manager, and
>>    each task manager has 4 slots? *Yeah*. *There are totally 3
>>    taskmanagers in the cluster.  2TMs are t2.medium machine 2 core 4 gb per
>>    machine. 1 slot per core. 1TM is t2.large 4core 16gb . 4slots in the
>>    machine. There were other jobs running in the t2.medium TMs. T2.large
>>    machine is where the performance testing job was running. *
>>    - Sounds like you are running a streaming job without using any
>>    state. Have you tuned the managed memory fraction
>>    (`taskmanager.memory.managed.fraction`) to zero as suggested in the
>>    document[1]?  *No i have not set the
>>    taskmanager.memory.network.fraction to 0. I had set Checkpoint to use the
>>    Job manager backend. *
>>    - *The CPU maximum spike i spotted was 40%. *
>> *Between i did some latest test only on t2.medium machine with 2 slots
>> per core. 1million records with 10k/s ingestion rate. Parallelism was 1. *
>> *I added rebalance to the inputstream.   ex: *
>> inputStream.rebalance().map()
>> *I was able to get latency in the range 130ms - 2sec.*
>> Let me also know if there are more things to consider here.
>> Thanks
>> Prasanna.
>> On Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 4:04 PM Xintong Song <tonysong...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Prasanna,
>>> Trying to understand how Flink is deployed.
>>>    - Which version of Flink is used?
>>>    - Which deployment mode is used? (Standalone/Kubernetes/Yarn/Mesos)
>>>    - Which cluster mode is used? (Job/Session)
>>>    - Do you mean you have a 4core16gb node for each task manager, and
>>>    each task manager has 4 slots?
>>>    - Sounds like you are running a streaming job without using any
>>>    state. Have you tuned the managed memory fraction
>>>    (`taskmanager.memory.managed.fraction`) to zero as suggested in the
>>>    document[1]?
>>> When running a stateless job or using a heap state backend
>>>> (MemoryStateBackend or FsStateBackend), set managed memory to zero.
>>> I can see a few potential problems.
>>>    - Managed memory is probably not configured. That means a
>>>    significant fraction of memory is unused.
>>>    - It sounds like the CPU processing time is not the bottleneck. Thus
>>>    increasing the parallelism will not give you better performance, but will
>>>    on the other hand increase the overhead load on the task manager.
>>> Also pulled in Becket Qin, who is the expert of Kafka connectors. Since
>>> you have observed lack of performance in reading from Kafka compared to
>>> Storm.
>>> Thank you~
>>> Xintong Song
>>> [1]
>>> https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.11/ops/memory/mem_tuning.html#heap-state-backend
>>> On Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 10:35 AM Prasanna kumar <
>>> prasannakumarram...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> Sending to you all separately as you answered one of my earlier query.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Prasanna.
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>>>> From: Prasanna kumar <prasannakumarram...@gmail.com>
>>>> Date: Wed 15 Jul, 2020, 23:27
>>>> Subject: Performance test Flink vs Storm
>>>> To: <d...@flink.apache.org>, user <user@flink.apache.org>
>>>> Hi,
>>>> We are testing flink and storm for our streaming pipelines on various
>>>> features.
>>>> In terms of Latency,i see the flink comes up short on storm even if
>>>> more CPU is given to it. Will Explain in detail.
>>>> *Machine*. t2.large 4 core 16 gb. is used for Used for flink task
>>>> manager and storm supervisor node.
>>>> *Kafka Partitions* 4
>>>> *Messages tested:* 1million
>>>> *Load* : 50k/sec
>>>> *Scenario*:
>>>> Read from Kafka -> Transform (Map to a different JSON format) - > Write
>>>> to a Kafka topic.
>>>> *Test 1*
>>>> Storm Parallelism is set as 1. There are four processes. 1 Spout (Read
>>>> from Kafka) and 3 bolts (Transformation and sink) .
>>>> Flink. Operator level parallelism not set. Task Parallelism is set as
>>>> 1. Task slot is 1 per core.
>>>> Storm was 130 milliseconds faster in 1st record.
>>>> Storm was 20 seconds faster in 1 millionth record.
>>>> *Test 2*
>>>> Storm Parallelism is set as 1. There are four processes. 1 Spout (Read
>>>> from Kafka) and 3 bolts (Transformation and sink)
>>>> Flink. Operator level parallelism not set. Task Parallelism is set as
>>>> 4. Task slot is 1 per core. So all cores is used.
>>>> Storm was 180 milliseconds faster in 1st record.
>>>> Storm was 25 seconds faster in 1 millionth record.
>>>> *Observations here*
>>>> 1) Increasing Parallelism did not increase the performance in Flink
>>>> rather it became 50ms to 5s slower.
>>>> 2) Flink is slower in Reading from Kafka compared to storm. Thats where
>>>> the bulk of the latency is.  for the millionth record its 19-24 seconds
>>>> slower.
>>>> 3) Once message is read, flink takes lesser time to transform and write
>>>> to kafka compared to storm.
>>>> *Other Flink Config*
>>>> jobmanager.heap.size: 1024m
>>>> taskmanager.memory.process.size: 1568m
>>>> *How do we improve the latency ? *
>>>> *Why does latency becomes worse when parallelism is increased and
>>>> matched to partitions?*
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Prasanna.

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