I'm afraid limit() is not yet available on the Table API but you can use
it via SQL, i.e. sth like "select * FROM (VALUES 'Hello', 'CIAO', 'foo',
'bar') LIMIT 2;" works. You can execute that from the Table API via
On 09.07.20 17:53, Georg Heiler wrote:
How can I explore a stream in Flink interactively?
Spark has the concept of take/head to extract the first n elements of a
dataframe / table.
Is something similar available in Flink for a stream like:
val serializer = new JSONKeyValueDeserializationSchema(false)
val stream = senv.addSource(
new FlinkKafkaConsumer(
).setStartFromEarliest() // TODO experiment with different start values
does not seem to be implemented.