Seems there's no direct solution. Perhaps i can implement this by initializing a HashMap<String, Meter> with all the possible value of tableName in `open` mehtod and get the corresponding Meter according to tableName in the `invoke` method.
Thanks, Lei Sender: Send Time: 2020-07-03 14:27 Receiver: Xintong Song cc: user Subject: Re: Re: How to dynamically initialize flink metrics in invoke method and then reuse it? Hi Xintong, Yes, initializing the metric in the `open` method works, but it doesn't solve my problem. I want to initialize the metric with a name that is extracted from the record content. Only in the `invoke` method i can do it. Actually my scenario is as follows. The record is MySQL binlog info. I want to monitor the qps by tableName. The tableName is different for every record. Thanks, Lei Sender: Xintong Song Send Time: 2020-07-03 13:14 Receiver: cc: user Subject: Re: How to dynamically initialize flink metrics in invoke method and then reuse it? Hi Lei, I think you should initialize the metric in the `open` method. Then you can save the initialized metric as a class field, and update it in the `invoke` method for each record. Thank you~ Xintong Song On Fri, Jul 3, 2020 at 11:50 AM <> wrote: In one flink operator, i want to initialize multiple flink metrics according to message content. As the code below. public void invoke(ObjectNode node, Context context) throws Exception { String tableName = node.get("metadata").get("topic").asText(); Meter meter = getRuntimeContext().getMetricGroup().meter(tableName, new MeterView(10)); meter.markEvent();"### counter: " + meter.toString() + "\t" + meter.getCount()); But in this way every invoke call will initialize a new metrics and the count will be from zero again. How can i reuse the metric initialized before? Thanks, Lei