
  I am running my Flink jobs on EMR and i didn't include any
log4j.properties as part of my JAR and i am using slf4j (and included the
dependent jars in the uber jar i created) and logging in my app.

  When i run my everything is running fine except i cannot find my
application logs any where 

 I am running the Flink job/app with (-p 2) i see two task managers and when
i looked into the logs (none of the app specific logs can be found in those
logs). We are using the INFO Level logging. 

I was hoping the logs will go to default Console Appender.

In the Master node Flink Conf i have found logback-console.xml (which sets
the root level logging to INFO) and is using Console Appender and there is
also log4j.properties file which also sets the Root Level logging to INFO
and is using FileAppender

I also tried to access the logs using "yarn logs --applicationId <>" i am

$ yarn logs -applicationId application_1593579475717_0001
20/07/01 21:16:32 INFO client.RMProxy: Connecting to ResourceManager at
/var/log/hadoop-yarn/apps/root/logs/application_1593579475717_0001 does not
Log aggregation has not completed or is not enabled.

And Yarn Log Aggregation is already enabled. When i checked


It might be the case that i can only see the logs through yarn once the
application completes/finishes/fails


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