The old value is already counted in a partition, and when the above update
occurs, will the  count value of the old partition be subtracted by 1, and
then added to the new partition?

Benchao Li <> 于2020年7月1日周三 下午1:11写道:

> Hi lec ssmi,
> >  If the type value of a record is updated in the  database, the values
> before and after the update will be divided into different partitions and
> handed over to different operators for calculation.
> I think your understanding is correct.
> >  Can Retraction happen correctly?
> I didn't get your point, can you elaborate your question a little bit?
> lec ssmi <> 于2020年7月1日周三 上午9:54写道:
>> Hi:
>>   When we use sql for aggregation operation, for example, the following
>> sql
>>>        select count( distinct name) cnt, type  from table  group by type
>>   Source data can be regarded as bin log data.
>>   If the type value of a record is updated in the   database, the values
>> before and after the update will be divided into different partitions and
>> handed over to different operators for calculation. Can Retraction happen
>> correctly?
> --
> Best,
> Benchao Li

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