Hi all:
     when i coding the es source connector here 
for the elasticsearch source connector. The doc is here
,and i find  problem of SearchHits at 

*currentScrollWindowHits = searchResponse.getHits().getHits()
And the SearchHits is a Interface in es5 but it is a class in es 6,7 and if
i use it in flink es connector base(the es dependency is 5). it will throw
*Caused by: java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Found class
org.elasticsearch.search.SearchHits, but interface was expected.***

To fix it : we can do this ways

1) move the logic to ApiCallBridge such as define ElasticsearchResponse or
Tuple2<String, String[]>, but it wll make the code weirdly

class ElasticsearchResponse
    String scroll; 
    String[] result // convert ervery es connector
searchResponse.getHits().getHits() to this result 

if user want to add some thing, it will need modify this

2) just support es 6,7 and upgrade flink-es-connector-base es dependency
version to 6 and drop flink-es-connector-5. And i found this discussion of
dropping es connector 2 and 5 here

 The es5 connector just support DataStream api currently .And Is it possible
to drop es5 connector and upgrade es-connector-base to es6?

I am looking forward all your response
Best !

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