Hello Godfrey,

Thanks for the response!

I think the problem with Tuple2, is that if my understanding is correct of
how CRow worked, when CRow's getSchema() was returned it would return the
underlying schema of the row it contained. Tuple2 doesn't do that, so it
changes/breaks a lot of our downstream code that is relying on the
TableSchema to return the underlying row's schema, and not a Tuple schema.

Any thoughts on that issue?

On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 12:16 AM godfrey he <godfre...@gmail.com> wrote:

> hi John,
> You can use Tuple2[Boolean, Row] to replace CRow, the
> StreamTableEnvironment#toRetractStream method return DataStream[(Boolean,
> T)].
> the code looks like:
> tEnv.toRetractStream[Row](table).map(new MapFunction[(Boolean, Row), R] {
>       override def map(value: (Boolean, Row)): R = ...
>     })
> Bests,
> Godfrey
> John Mathews <jmathews3...@gmail.com> 于2020年6月17日周三 下午12:13写道:
>> Hello,
>> I am working on migrating from the flink table-planner to the new blink
>> one, and one problem I am running into is that it doesn't seem like Blink
>> has a concept of a CRow, unlike the original table-planner.
>> I am therefore struggling to figure out how to properly convert a
>> retracting stream to a SingleOutputStreamOperator when using just the Blink
>> planner libraries.
>> E.g. in the old planner I could do something like this:
>> SingleOutputStreamOperator<CRow> stream =
>> tableEnvironment.toRetractStream(table, typeInfo)
>>                     .map(value -> new CRow(value.f1, value.f0);
>> but without the CRow, I'm not sure how to accomplish this.
>> Any suggestions?
>> Thanks!
>> John

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