We're currently using this template: https://github.com/docker-flink/examples/tree/master/helm/flink for running kubernetes flink for running a job specific cluster ( with a nit of specifying the class as the main runner for the cluster ).
How would I go about setting up adding savepoints, so that we can edit our currently existing running jobs to add pipes to the flink job without having to restart our state? Reasoning is that our state has a 1 day TTL and updating our code without state will have to restart this from scratch. Through documentation, I see that I'd need to run some sort of command. This is not possible to be consistent if we're using the helm charts specified in the link. I see this email thread talking about a certain problem with savepoints + kubernetes but doesn't quite specify how to set this up with helm: https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/4299518f4da2810aa88fe6b21f841880b619f3f8ac264084a318c034%40%3Cuser.flink.apache.org%3E According to hasun@zendesk from that thread, they mention that "We always make a savepoint before we shutdown the job-cluster. So the savepoint is always the latest. When we fix a bug or change the job graph, it can resume well." This is the exact use case that I'm looking to appease. Other than specifying configs, are there any other additional parameters that I'd need to add within helm to specify that it needs to take in the latest savepoint upon starting?