
I am running into an issue while trying to create a TableSource with
rowtime attribute. I have configured TableSource to return produced
type of Row(DataTypes.BIGINT,
DataTypes.TIMESTAMP) via DataType TableSource<T>::getProducedDataType(). The
returned DataStream has a flatmap operator that implements
ResultTypeQueryable and returns typeinfo RowTypeInfo({Types.LONG,
Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP}, {...}).

Queries on this table source fail with the following error -

TableSource of type io.netspring.blaze.eval.BlazeTableSource returned a
DataStream of data type Row(C0: Long, blaze_itime: Timestamp) that does not
match with the data type ROW<`C0` BIGINT, `blaze_itime` TIMESTAMP(6)>
declared by the TableSource.getProducedDataType() method. Please validate
the implementation of the TableSource.

Queries on DataStream without the timestamp column work. I was also able to
somewhat make it work with the timestamp column by changing the DataStream
to return Types.LOCAL_DATE_TIME. However, I am curious to know why
Types.TIMESTAMP does not match with DataTypes.TIMESTAMP.


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