
I am running into a very basic problem while working with Table API. I wish
to create a TableEnvironment connected to a remote environment that uses
Blink planner in batch mode. Examples and documentation I have come across
so far recommend the following pattern to create such an environment -

var settings = EnvironmentSettings.newInstance()
var tEnv = TableEnvironment.create(settings);

The above configuration, however, does not connect to a remote environment.
Tracing code in TableEnvironment.java, I see the following method in
BlinkExecutorFactory.java that appears to relevant -

Executor create(Map<String, String>, StreamExecutionEnvironment);

However, it seems to be only accessible through the Scala bridge. I can't
seem to find a way to instantiate a TableEnvironment that takes
StreamExecutionEnvironment as an argument. How do I achieve that?


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