Hi Vasily

As far as I know, current TTL of state lack of such kind of trigger, and 
perhaps onTimer or process specific event to trigger could help your scenario.

Yun Tang.
From: Vasily Melnik <vasily.mel...@glowbyteconsulting.com>
Sent: Monday, June 1, 2020 14:13
To: Yun Tang <myas...@live.com>
Cc: user <user@flink.apache.org>
Subject: Re: State expiration in Flink

Thanks, Yun!

One more question: is it possible to create some kind of handler on clearing up 
the state? For example i want to flush state to external storage (e.g. HBase) 
before cleanup.Now we make this manually with onTimer method, but is there 
another way?

On Mon, 1 Jun 2020 at 05:28, Yun Tang 
<myas...@live.com<mailto:myas...@live.com>> wrote:
Hi Vasily

After Flink-1.10, state will be cleaned up periodically as CleanupInBackground 
is enabled by default. Thus, even you never access some specific entry of state 
and that entry could still be cleaned up.

Yun Tang
From: Vasily Melnik 
Sent: Saturday, May 30, 2020 23:29
To: user <user@flink.apache.org<mailto:user@flink.apache.org>>
Subject: State expiration in Flink

Hi .
I'm a bit confused with this point in State TTL documentation:
" By default, expired values are explicitly removed on read, such as 
ValueState#value, and periodically garbage collected in the background if 
supported by the configured state backend. "
Does it mean, that  if i have only one event with specific key, it's state will 
never be cleaned on TTL expiration cause of i will never call value method for 
this key again?

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