Hi, all I ran into a weird single Task BackPressure problem.
JobInfo: DAG: Source (1000)-> Map (2000)-> Sink (1000), which is linked via rescale. Flink version: 1.9.0 There is no related info in jobmanager/taskamanger log. Through Metrics, I see that Map (242) 's outPoolUsage is full, but its downstream Sink (121)' s inPoolUsage is 0. After dumping the memory and analyzing it, I found: Sink (121)'s RemoteInputChannel.unannouncedCredit = 0, Map (242)'s CreditBasedSequenceNumberingViewReader.numCreditsAvailable = 0. This is not consistent with my understanding of the Flink network transmission mechanism. Can someone help me? Thanks a lot. Best Weihua Hu