Hi Flink Folks:
If I have a Flink Application with 10 restarts, if it fails and restarts, then:
1. Does the job have the same id ?2. Does the automatically restarting 
application, pickup from the last checkpoint ? I am assuming it does but just 
want to confirm.
Also, if it is running on AWS EMR I believe EMR/Yarn is configured to restart 
the job 3 times (after it has exhausted it's restart policy) .  If that is the 
case:1. Does the job get a new id ? I believe it does, but just want to 
confirm.2. Does the Yarn restart honor the last checkpoint ?  I believe, it 
does not, but is there a way to make it restart from the last checkpoint of the 
failed job (after it has exhausted its restart policy) ?

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