Great to hear that.


Robin Cassan <> 于2020年5月20日周三 上午12:18写道:

> Hi Yun and Congxian!
> I have implemented a pre-filter that uses an keyed state (
> AggregatingState[Long]) that computes the size of all records seen for
> each key, which lets me filter-out records that should be too big for the
> RocksDB JNI bridge. This seems to make our job behave better! Thanks for
> your help guys, this was really helpful :)
> Robin
> Le sam. 16 mai 2020 à 09:05, Congxian Qiu <> a
> écrit :
>> Hi
>> As you described, I'm not sure whether MapState can help you in such
>> case. MapState will serializer each <mapKey, mapvalue> separately, so it
>> would not encounter such the problem as ListState.
>> When using MapState, you may need to handle how to set the mapKey, if the
>> whole state will be cleared after processed, then you can use a monotonous
>> increment integer as the mapKey, store the upper used mapKey in a value
>> state.
>> Best,
>> Congxian
>> Yun Tang <> 于2020年5月15日周五 下午10:31写道:
>>> Hi Robin
>>> I think you could record the size of you list under currentKey with
>>> another value state or operator state (store a Map with <key-by key, list
>>> length>, store the whole map in list when snapshotting). If you do not have
>>> many key-by keys, operator state is a good choice as that is on-heap and
>>> lightweight.
>>> Best
>>> Yun Tang
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* Robin Cassan <>
>>> *Sent:* Friday, May 15, 2020 20:59
>>> *To:* Yun Tang <>
>>> *Cc:* user <>
>>> *Subject:* Re: Protection against huge values in RocksDB List State
>>> Hi Yun, thanks for your answer! And sorry I didn't see this limitation
>>> from the documentation, makes sense!
>>> In our case, we are merging too many elements (since each element is
>>> limited to 4Mib in our kafka topic). I agree we do not want our state to
>>> contain really big values, this is why we are trying to find a way to put a
>>> limit on the number (or total size) of elements that are aggregated in the
>>> state of the window.
>>> We have found a way to do this by using another sessionWindow that is
>>> set before the other one, which will store the number of messages for each
>>> key and reject new messages if we have reached a limit, but we are
>>> wondering if there is a better way to achieve that without creating another
>>> state.
>>> Thanks again,
>>> Robin
>>> Le jeu. 14 mai 2020 à 19:38, Yun Tang <> a écrit :
>>> Hi Robin
>>> First of all, the root cause is not RocksDB cannot store large list
>>> state when you merge but the JNI limitation of 2^31 bytes [1].
>>> Moreover, RocksDB java would not return anything when you call merge [2]
>>> operator.
>>> Did you merge too many elements or just merge too big-size elements?
>>> Last but not least, even you could merge large list, I think getting a
>>> value with size larger than 2^31 bytes should not behave well.
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> Best
>>> Yun Tang
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* Robin Cassan <>
>>> *Sent:* Friday, May 15, 2020 0:37
>>> *To:* user <>
>>> *Subject:* Protection against huge values in RocksDB List State
>>> Hi all!
>>> I cannot seem to find any setting to limit the number of records
>>> appended in a RocksDBListState that is used when we use SessionWindows with
>>> a ProcessFunction.
>>> It seems that, for each incoming element, the new element will be
>>> appended to the value with the RocksDB `merge` operator, without any
>>> safeguard to make sure that it doesn't grow infinitely. RocksDB merge seems
>>> to support returning false in case of error, so I guess we could implement
>>> a limit by returning false in the merge operator, but since Flink seems to
>>> use the "stringappendtest" merge operator (
>>>  ),
>>> we always return true no matter what.
>>> This is troublesome for us because it would make a lot of sense to
>>> specify an acceptable limit to how many elements can be aggregated under a
>>> given key, and because when we happen to have too many elements we get an
>>> exception from RocksDB:
>>> ```
>>> Caused by: org.apache.flink.util.FlinkRuntimeException: Error while
>>> retrieving data from RocksDB
>>> at
>>> org.apache.flink.contrib.streaming.state.RocksDBListState.getInternal(
>>> at
>>> org.apache.flink.contrib.streaming.state.RocksDBListState.get(
>>> at
>>> org.apache.flink.contrib.streaming.state.RocksDBListState.get(
>>> at
>>> org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.operators.windowing.WindowOperator.onProcessingTime(
>>> at
>>> org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.InternalTimerServiceImpl.onProcessingTime(
>>> at
>>> org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.SystemProcessingTimeService$
>>> ... 7 more
>>> Caused by: org.rocksdb.RocksDBException: Requested array size exceeds VM
>>> limit
>>> at org.rocksdb.RocksDB.get(Native Method)
>>> at org.rocksdb.RocksDB.get(
>>> at
>>> org.apache.flink.contrib.streaming.state.RocksDBListState.getInternal(
>>> ... 12 more
>>> ```
>>> We are currently bypassing this by using a Reduce operator instead,
>>> which ensures that we only store one element per key, but this gives us
>>> degraded performance.
>>> Thanks for your input!
>>> Robin

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