Hi, I have different events from a device which constitutes different metrics for same device. Each of these event is produced by the device in interval of few milli seconds to a minute.
Event1(Device1) -> Stream1 -> Metric 1 Event2 (Device1) -> Stream2 -> Metric 2 ... .............. ....... Event100(Device1) -> Stream100 -> Metric100 The number of events can go up to few 100s for each data protocol and we have around 4-5 data protocols. Metrics from different streams makes up a records like for example from above example for device 1 - Device1 -> Metric1, Metric 2, Metric15 forms a single record for the device. Currently in development phase I am using interval join to achieve this, that is to create a record with latest data from different streams(events). Based on data protocol I have 4-5 topics. Currently the data for a single event is being pushed to a partition of the kafka topic(producer key -> event_type + data_protocol). So essentially one topic is made up of many streams. I am filtering on the key to define the streams. My question is - Is this correct way to stream the data, I had thought of maintaining different topic for an event, however in that case number of topics could go to few thousands and that is something which becomes little challenging to maintain and not sure if kafka handles that well. I know there are traditional ways to do this like pushing it to timeseries db and then joining data for different metric but that is something which will never scale, also this processing should be as realtime as possible. Are there better ways to handle this use case or I am on correct path. Thanks, Hemant