Set up
Flink verson 1.8.3

Zookeeper HA cluster

1 ResourceManager/Dispatcher (Same Node)
1 TaskManager
4 pipelines running with various parallelism's


Occationally when the Job Manager gets restarted we noticed that all the
pipelines are not getting scheduled. The error that is reporeted by the Job
Manger is 'not enough slots are available'. This should not be the case
because task manager was deployed with sufficient slots for the number of
pipelines/parallelism we have.

We further noticed that the slot report sent by the taskmanger contains
slots filled with old CANCELLED job Ids. I am not sure why the task manager
still holds the details of the old jobs. Thread dump on the task manager
confirms that old pipelines are not running.

It is not one or two slot report which wrong. If the issue occurs, all the
slot reports that are sent by TM is wrong and contains old job ids report.
This continues until I restart the TM.

Also I noticed that when we cancel a job the leader/leaderlatch entires in
the zookeeper doesn't get cleared for that job. Is that expected?.


I am aware of But this
is not the issue happening in this case.


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