Hello, my friend. I have a dimension table.
createtabledim_u_score(u_idbigint,varchar,score_adouble,score_bdouble)with{xxx}Inascene The condition of lookup is fliter score_a > 0.9 In another scenario The condition of lookup is fliter score_b > 1 In Flink, at present, lookup join can use on to pass key values, such as selectscore_a...leftjoin...source_table.u_id=dim_u_score.u_id If so, what should I do? If not, can I say that I can create multiple tables with conditions to use when it comes? such as createtabledim_u_score_filter_a(u_idbigint,varchar,score_adouble,score_bdouble)with{"filter_condition"="score_a > 0.9 "}createtabledim_u_score_filter_b(u_idbigint,varchar,score_adouble,score_bdouble)with{"filter_condition"="fliter score_b > 1 "} Then, in the process of lookup, push down to the specific execution engine to complete the lookup filter.