flink-conf.yaml does allow me to do what I need to do without making any
changes to client source code.

RemoteStreamEnvironment constructor  expects a jar file as the third
parameter also.

int port, String
... jarFiles)
Creates a new RemoteStreamEnvironment that points to the master
(JobManager) described by the given host name and port.

On Sun, 19 Apr 2020, 11:02 tison, <> wrote:

> You can change flink-conf.yaml "jobmanager.address" or "jobmanager.port"
> options before run the program or take a look at RemoteStreamEnvironment
> which enables configuring host and port.
> Best,
> tison.
> Som Lima <> 于2020年4月19日周日 下午5:58写道:
>> Hi,
>> After running
>> $ ./bin/
>> The following line of code defaults jobmanager  to localhost:6123
>> final  ExecutionEnvironment env = Environment.getExecutionEnvironment();
>> which is same on spark.
>> val spark =
>> SparkSession.builder.master(local[*]).appname("anapp").getOrCreate
>> However if I wish to run the servers on a different physical computer.
>> Then in Spark I can do it this way using the spark URI in my IDE.
>> Conf =
>> SparkConf().setMaster("spark://<hostip>:<port>").setAppName("anapp")
>> Can you please tell me the equivalent change to make so I can run my
>> servers and my IDE from different physical computers.

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