
I think it is not caused by SqlStdOperatorTable, but the Calcite parser. So
it is tricky to work around it.
Maybe it needs to be fixed from Calcite side.


On Sat, 18 Apr 2020 at 01:05, seeksst <seek...@163.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>    Thank you for reply.
>    I find it caused by SqlStdOperatorTable and have tried many ways to
> change it, but failed. Finally, I decided to copy it and renamed. Another
> thing that caught my attention is that i also define last_value function
> which args is same to SqlStdOperatorTable, and through CalciteConfig to 
> replace
> SqlOperatorTable, so i can use CustomBasicOperatorTable replace 
> BasicOperatorTable
> and register my defined last_value function. I change AggregateUtil to
> make it work. It seems not prefect, do you have any advice to avoid
> changing AggregateUtil?
>   the different thing is that my JSON_VALUE function args is not similar
> to SqlStdOperatorTable.there may be no way to replace it. I learn more
> about Build-in Function by source code, JSON_VALUE may not realize.is it
> necessary to define many functions in SqlStdOperatorTable that not use? as
> i know, parser may decide many thing, and limit by calcite, so convert may
> get information which i don’t want and can’t change it. it seems hard to
> solve, and i have no idea.
>    Best,
>       L
>  原始邮件
> *发件人:* Jark Wu<imj...@gmail.com>
> *收件人:* Till Rohrmann<trohrm...@apache.org>; Danny Chan<
> danny0...@apache.org>
> *抄送:* seeksst<seek...@163.com>; user<user@flink.apache.org>; Timo Walther<
> twal...@apache.org>
> *发送时间:* 2020年4月17日(周五) 22:53
> *主题:* Re: Flink upgrade to 1.10: function
> Hi,
> I guess you are already close to the truth. Since Flink 1.10 we upgraded
> Calcite to 1.21 which reserves JSON_VALUE as keyword.
> So that a user define function can't use this name anymore. That's why
> JSON_VALUE(...) will always be parsed as the Calcite's builtin function
> definition.
> Currently, I don't have other ideas except using another function name...
> cc @Danny Chan <danny0...@apache.org> , do you know why JSON_VALUE is a
> reserved keyword in Calcite? Could we change it into non-reserved keyword?
> Best,
> Jark
> On Fri, 17 Apr 2020 at 21:00, Till Rohrmann <trohrm...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> thanks for reporting these problems. I'm pulling in Timo and Jark who are
>> working on the SQL component. They might be able to help you with your
>> problem.
>> Cheers,
>> Till
>> On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 11:10 AM seeksst <seek...@163.com> wrote:
>>> Hi, All
>>> Recently, I try to upgrade flink from 1.8.2 to 1.10, but i meet some
>>> problem about function. In 1.8.2, there are just Built-In function and
>>> User-defined Functions, but in 1.10, there are 4 categories of funtions.
>>> I defined a function which named JSON_VALUE in my system, it doesn’t
>>> exist in 1.8.2, but present to 1.10.0. of course i use it in sql, something
>>> like  'select JSON_VALUE(string, string) from table1’, no category or
>>> database. the problem is in 1.10.0, my function will be recognized as
>>> SqlJsonValueFunction, and args not match, so my sql is wrong.
>>>         I read document about Ambiguous Function Reference, In my
>>> understanding, my function will be registered as temporary system function,
>>> and it should be chosen first. isn’t it? I try to debug it, and find some
>>> information:
>>> First, sql will be parsed by ParseImpl, and JSON_VALUE will be parsed as
>>> SqlBasicCall, operator is SqlJsonValueFunction, it’s belonged to SYSTEM
>>> catalog and the kind is OTHER_FUNCTION. Then, SqlUtil.lookupRoutine will
>>> not find this SqlFunction, because it not in BasicOperatorTable. my
>>> function in FunctionCatalog, but SqlJsonValueFunction belonged to
>>> SYSTEM, not belong to USER_DEFINED, so program will not search it in
>>> FunctionCatalog.
>>> How can i solve this problem without modifying sql and function name? my
>>> program can choose flink version and have many sql jobs, so i don’t wish to
>>> modify sql and function name.
>>> Thansk.

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