`StreamTableEnvironment.create()` yields a `StreamTableEnvironmentImpl`
which has several `registerFunction` interface for

`TableEnvironment.create()` yields a `TableEnvironmentImpl` object, which
is a unify entry point for Table/SQL programs.
And it only has a deprecated `registerFunction` interface for
ScalarFunction.  You should use `createTemporarySystemFunction` instead.

A workaround for batch mode of blink planner is: You can use the public
constructor of `StreamTableEnvironmentImpl` to create
the TableEnvironment and use `registerFunction`s. Pls make sure you pass in
the correct `isStreamingMode = false`

*Best Regards,*
*Zhenghua Gao*

On Tue, Apr 14, 2020 at 5:58 PM Dmytro Dragan <dd...@softserveinc.com>

> Hi All,
> Could you please tell how to register custom Aggregation function in blink
> batch app?
> In case of streaming mode:
> We create
> EnvironmentSettings bsSettings = 
> EnvironmentSettings.*newInstance*().useBlinkPlanner().inStreamingMode().build();
> StreamTableEnvironment tableEnv = StreamTableEnvironment.*create*(env, 
> bsSettings);
> Which has:
> <T, ACC> void registerFunction(String name, AggregateFunction<T, ACC>
> aggregateFunction);
> But in case of batchMode, we need to create TableEnvironment:
> EnvironmentSettings bsSettings = 
> EnvironmentSettings.*newInstance*().useBlinkPlanner().inBatchMode().build();
> tEnv = TableEnvironment.*create*(bsSettings);
> Which does not have this function to register AggregationFunction, only
> Scalar one.
> Details: Flink 1.10, Java API

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