I was wondering if you could actually really use AsyncWaitOperator in the
following way.

- Use a rather big timeout (so if callbacks usually take 1s, use 10).
- Use UNORDERED mode.
- Use a rather big queue size that would not cause any backpressure (you
could just experiment with different settings).

Then, you'd probably get to the operator that you would need to implement
manually anyways.
- Requests come in a specific order, that order is retained when calling
the external library.
- Results are immediately returned (depending on your watermark settings)
resulting in no additional latency (because of UNORDERED).
- The big timeouts guarantee that you will not dismiss a certain input too
quickly, if the callback takes longer than usual. It will clean up all
elements from state that have no callbacks after the given time though.
- The big queue size will avoid backpressure resulting from many pending
requests without response. Let's say you have 100 requests per second and a
timeout of 10s, that means a queue size of 1000 would allow all incoming
requests to be processed almost instantly (ignored the actual callbacks
that decrease the needed queue size as you said it to be a rather rare

On Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 11:09 AM Salva Alcántara <salcantara...@gmail.com>

> Perfectly understood, thanks a lot for your reply/patience . I will take a
> look at AsyncWaitOperator and adapt from there if I really need that.
> --
> Sent from:
> http://apache-flink-user-mailing-list-archive.2336050.n4.nabble.com/


Arvid Heise | Senior Java Developer


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