There is a limitation in RocksDB's JNI bridge that will cause applications
to fail if list state exceeds 2GB. I am not aware of anyone working on this



On Wed, Apr 8, 2020 at 12:02 PM Aaron Levin <> wrote:

> Hello friendly Flink community!
> I'm curious if anyone has operational experience with jobs that store
> ListState where occasionally, due to skew, some small number of lists
> stored in ListState (stored in RocksDB) will have millions of elements.
> Here are the stats:
> * millions of keys
> * p95 size of list in ListState is ~2.
> * some small number of keys (less than 100) may have lists whose size is
> on the order of tens of thousands and up to millions.
> * state is stored in RocksDB
> Are there any known issues or limitations with storing or fetching that
> much list state out of RocksDB? I realize fetching from RocksDB and
> deserializing will be costly when hitting a key with a list of a million
> elements, but is there anything else we should consider?
> Thanks!
> Best,
> Aaron Levin

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