Hi Folks, I am very excited to announce the integration work of flink on apache zeppelin notebook is completed. You can now run flink jobs via datastream api, table api, sql, pyflink in apache apache zeppelin notebook. Download it here http://zeppelin.apache.org/download.html),
Here's some highlights of this work 1. Support 3 kind of execution mode: local, remote, yarn 2. Support multiple languages in one flink session: scala, python, sql 3. Support hive connector (reading from hive and writing to hive) 4. Dependency management 5. UDF support (scala, pyflink) 6. Support both batch sql and streaming sql For more details and usage instructions, you can refer following 4 blogs 1) Get started https://link.medium.com/oppqD6dIg5 <https://t.co/PTouUYYTrv?amp=1> 2) Batch https://link.medium.com/3qumbwRIg5 <https://t.co/Yo9QAY0Joj?amp=1> 3) Streaming https:// link.medium.com/RBHa2lTIg5 <https://t.co/sUapN40tvI?amp=1> 4) Advanced usage https://link.medium.com/CAekyoXIg5 <https://t.co/MXolULmafZ?amp=1> Welcome to use flink on zeppelin and give feedback and comments. -- Best Regards Jeff Zhang