Hi Jim,
Well, *auto.offset.reset *is only used when there is no offset saved for
this *group.id <http://group.id>* in Kafka. So, if You want to read the
data from the latest record (and by latest I mean the newest here) You
should assign the *group.id <http://group.id>* that was not previously used
and then FlinkKafkaConsumer should automatically fetch the last offset and
start reading from that place.

Best Regards,

śr., 25 mar 2020 o 11:19 Jim Chen <chenshuai19950...@gmail.com> napisał(a):

> Hi, All
>   I use flink-connector-kafka-0.11 consume the Kafka0.11. In KafkaConsumer
> params, i set the group.id and auto.offset.reset. In the Flink1.10, set
> the kafkaConsumer.setStartFromGroupOffsets();
>   Then, i restart the application, found the offset is not from the last
> position. Any one know where is wrong? HELP!

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