Tried again. Even i remove the "clustered by (robot_id) into 3 buckets" statement, no result from flink sql-client
Thanks, Lei From: Kurt Young Date: 2020-03-18 17:41 To:; lirui CC: user Subject: Re: flink sql-client read hive orc table no result My guess is we haven't support hive bucket table yet. cc Rui Li for confirmation. Best, Kurt On Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 5:19 PM <> wrote: Hive table store as orc format: CREATE TABLE `robot_tr`(`robot_id` int, `robot_time` bigint, `linear_velocity` double, `track_side_error` int) partitioned by (warehouseid STRING) clustered by (robot_id) into 3 buckets stored as orc tblproperties("transactional"='true'); Under hive client, insert into one record and then select there will be the result to the console. But under flink sql-client, when select * from robot_tr, there's no result? Any insight on this? Thanks, Lei