For K8s deployment(including standalone session/perjob, native
integration), Flink could
not support port range for rest options. You need to set the
`rest.bind-port` exactly same
with `rest.port`.

Hi LakeShen
I am trying to understand your problem and do not think it is about the
port configuration.
Could you provide more information? How do you configure the ingress? And
what is the
current configuration you use to start the Flink cluster.


tison <> 于2020年3月15日周日 下午1:19写道:

> IIRC Flink on Kubernetes doesn't support configure rest port as port range.
> Maybe Yang(in cc) can give more information and if so, our current logic
> only take care of RestOptions.PORT but not RestOptions.BIND_PORT, which
> will be a bug.
> Best,
> tison.
> LakeShen <> 于2020年3月15日周日 上午11:25写道:
>> Ok, thanks! Arvid
>> Arvid Heise <> 于2020年3月10日周二 下午4:14写道:
>>> Hi LakeShen,
>>> you can change the port with
>>> conf.setInteger(RestOptions.PORT, 8082);
>>> or if want to be on the safe side specify a range
>>> conf.setString(RestOptions.BIND_PORT, "8081-8099");
>>> On Mon, Mar 9, 2020 at 10:47 AM LakeShen <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi community,
>>>>        now I am moving the flink job to k8s,and I plan to use the
>>>> ingress to show the flink web ui  , the problem is that fink job server
>>>> aren't correct, so I want to change the flink web-ui jobserver ,I don't
>>>> find the any method  to change it ,are there some method to do that?
>>>>        Thanks to your reply.
>>>> Best wishes,
>>>> LakeShen

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