Hi Yang, Yes, a combination of these two would be very helpful for us. We have a single shaded binary which we use to run all of the jobs on our YARN cluster. If we could designate a single location in HDFS for that as well, we could also greatly benefit from FLINK-13938.
It sounds like a general public cache solution is what’s being called for? // ah From: Yang Wang <danrtsey...@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, March 8, 2020 10:52 PM To: Hailu, Andreas [Engineering] <andreas.ha...@ny.email.gs.com> Cc: tison <wander4...@gmail.com>; user@flink.apache.org Subject: Re: Flink Conf "yarn.flink-dist-jar" Question Hi Hailu, tison, I created a very similar ticket before to accelerate Flink submission on Yarn[1]. However, we do not get a consensus in the PR. Maybe it's time to revive the discussion and try to find a common solution for both the two tickets[1][2]. [1]. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-13938<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__issues.apache.org_jira_browse_FLINK-2D13938&d=DwMFaQ&c=7563p3e2zaQw0AB1wrFVgyagb2IE5rTZOYPxLxfZlX4&r=hRr4SA7BtUvKoMBP6VDhfisy2OJ1ZAzai-pcCC6TFXM&m=rlD0F8Cr4H0aPlN6O2_K13Q76RFOERSWuJANh4q6X_8&s=njA3vGYTf0g7Zsog8AiwS4bbXxblOxepBEWUV9W3E0s&e=> [2]. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-14964<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__issues.apache.org_jira_browse_FLINK-2D14964&d=DwMFaQ&c=7563p3e2zaQw0AB1wrFVgyagb2IE5rTZOYPxLxfZlX4&r=hRr4SA7BtUvKoMBP6VDhfisy2OJ1ZAzai-pcCC6TFXM&m=rlD0F8Cr4H0aPlN6O2_K13Q76RFOERSWuJANh4q6X_8&s=9kT1RZkGwWh3MAbc_ZUrsEsmRRfw6VK4rlNIeNxs6GU&e=> Best, Yang Hailu, Andreas <andreas.ha...@gs.com<mailto:andreas.ha...@gs.com>> 于2020年3月7日周六 上午11:21写道: Hi Tison, thanks for the reply. I’ve replied to the ticket. I’ll be watching it as well. // ah From: tison <wander4...@gmail.com<mailto:wander4...@gmail.com>> Sent: Friday, March 6, 2020 1:40 PM To: Hailu, Andreas [Engineering] <andreas.ha...@ny.email.gs.com<mailto:andreas.ha...@ny.email.gs.com>> Cc: user@flink.apache.org<mailto:user@flink.apache.org> Subject: Re: Flink Conf "yarn.flink-dist-jar" Question FLINK-13938 seems a bit different than your requirement. The one totally matches is FLINK-14964<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__issues.apache.org_jira_browse_FLINK-2D14964&d=DwMFaQ&c=7563p3e2zaQw0AB1wrFVgyagb2IE5rTZOYPxLxfZlX4&r=hRr4SA7BtUvKoMBP6VDhfisy2OJ1ZAzai-pcCC6TFXM&m=9sMjDI0I_9Yni5ZWqV8GScK_KBTaA65yK9kBG-LE5_4&s=X1ZoN456fuc5mNxO6fBzDboEhrI0EHL873LzOd6tnN8&e=>. I'll appreciate it if you can share you opinion on the JIRA ticket. Best, tison. tison <wander4...@gmail.com<mailto:wander4...@gmail.com>> 于2020年3月7日周六 上午2:35写道: Yes your requirement is exactly taken into consideration by the community. We currently have an open JIRA ticket for the specific feature[1] and works for loosing the constraint of flink-jar schema to support DFS location should happen. Best, tison. [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-13938<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__issues.apache.org_jira_browse_FLINK-2D13938&d=DwMFaQ&c=7563p3e2zaQw0AB1wrFVgyagb2IE5rTZOYPxLxfZlX4&r=hRr4SA7BtUvKoMBP6VDhfisy2OJ1ZAzai-pcCC6TFXM&m=9sMjDI0I_9Yni5ZWqV8GScK_KBTaA65yK9kBG-LE5_4&s=ediMPoQtcPX7K-5fjXJxE2cPp5OySkzwXYfYj8mDWO0&e=> Hailu, Andreas <andreas.ha...@gs.com<mailto:andreas.ha...@gs.com>> 于2020年3月7日周六 上午2:03写道: Hi, We noticed that every time an application runs, it uploads the flink-dist artifact to the /user/<user>/.flink HDFS directory. This causes a user disk space quota issue as we submit thousands of apps to our cluster an hour. We had a similar problem with our Spark applications where it uploaded the Spark Assembly package for every app. Spark provides an argument to use a location in HDFS its for applications to leverage so they don’t need to upload them for every run, and that was our solution (see “spark.yarn.jar” configuration if interested.) Looking at the Resource Orchestration Frameworks page<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__ci.apache.org_projects_flink_flink-2Ddocs-2Dstable_ops_config.html-23yarn-2Dflink-2Ddist-2Djar&d=DwMFaQ&c=7563p3e2zaQw0AB1wrFVgyagb2IE5rTZOYPxLxfZlX4&r=hRr4SA7BtUvKoMBP6VDhfisy2OJ1ZAzai-pcCC6TFXM&m=9sMjDI0I_9Yni5ZWqV8GScK_KBTaA65yK9kBG-LE5_4&s=3SPuvZu9nPph-qnE3TtbTngG-k3XDBLQGyk9I_tjNtI&e=>, I see there’s might be a similar concept through a “yarn.flink-dist-jar” configuration option. I wanted to place the flink-dist package we’re using in a location in HDFS and configure out jobs to point to it, e.g. yarn.flink-dist-jar: hdfs:////user/delp/.flink/flink-dist_2.11-1.9.1.jar Am I correct in that this is what I’m looking for? I gave this a try with some jobs today, and based on what I’m seeing in the launch_container.sh in our YARN application, it still looks like it’s being uploaded: export _FLINK_JAR_PATH="hdfs://d279536/user/delp/.flink/application_1583031705852_117863/flink-dist_2.11-1.9.1.jar" How can I confirm? Or is this perhaps not config I’m looking for? Best, Andreas ________________________________ Your Personal Data: We may collect and process information about you that may be subject to data protection laws. 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