Hi All, If you have ever touched the docker topic in Flink, you probably noticed that we have multiple places in docs and repos which address its various concerns.
We have prepared a FLIP [1] to simplify the perception of docker topic in Flink by users. It mostly advocates for an approach of extending official Flink image from the docker hub. For convenience, it can come with a set of bash utilities and documented examples of their usage. The utilities allow to: - run the docker image in various modes (single job, session master, task manager etc) - customise the extending Dockerfile - and its entry point Eventually, the FLIP suggests to remove all other user facing Dockerfiles and building scripts from Flink repo, move all docker docs to apache/flink-docker and adjust existing docker use cases to refer to this new approach (mostly Kubernetes now). The first contributed version of Flink docker integration also contained example and docs for the integration with Bluemix in IBM cloud. We also suggest to maintain it outside of Flink repository (cc Markus Müller). Thanks, Andrey [1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-111%3A+Docker+image+unification