Hi, Does runtime filter probe side wait for building runtime filter? Can you check the start time of build side and probe side?
Best, Jingsong Lee ------------------------------------------------------------------ From:faaron zheng <faaronzh...@gmail.com> Send Time:2020年3月2日(星期一) 14:55 To:user <user@flink.apache.org> Subject:Question about runtime filter Hi, everyone These days, I am trying to implement runtime filter in flink1.10 with flink-sql-benchmark according to blink. I mainly change three part of flink code: add runtime filter rule; modify the code gen and bloomfilter; add some aggregatedaccumulator methods according to accumulator. Now, It seems runtime filter works in execution graph as follows: Source: HiveTableSource(i_item_sk, i_item_id, i_rec_start_date, i_rec_end_date, i_item_desc, i_current_price, i_wholesale_cost, i_brand_id, i_brand, i_class_id, i_class, i_category_id, i_category, i_manufact_id, i_manufact, i_size, i_formulation, i_color, i_units, i_container, i_manager_id, i_product_name) TablePath: tpcds_bin_orc_2.item, PartitionPruned: false, PartitionNums: null, ProjectedFields: [0, 10, 12] -> Calc(select=[i_item_sk], where=[((i_category = _UTF-16LE'Jewelry':VARCHAR(2147483647) CHARACTER SET "UTF-16LE") AND (i_class = _UTF-16LE'consignment':VARCHAR(2147483647) CHARACTER SET "UTF-16LE") AND RUNTIME_FILTER_BUILDER_0(i_item_sk))]) and Source: HiveTableSource(d_date_sk, d_date_id, d_date, d_month_seq, d_week_seq, d_quarter_seq, d_year, d_dow, d_moy, d_dom, d_qoy, d_fy_year, d_fy_quarter_seq, d_fy_week_seq, d_day_name, d_quarter_name, d_holiday, d_weekend, d_following_holiday, d_first_dom, d_last_dom, d_same_day_ly, d_same_day_lq, d_current_day, d_current_week, d_current_month, d_current_quarter, d_current_year) TablePath: tpcds_bin_orc_2.date_dim, PartitionPruned: false, PartitionNums: null, ProjectedFields: [0, 3] -> Calc(select=[d_date_sk, d_month_seq], where=[RUNTIME_FILTER_2(d_date_sk)]) However,the number of records sent is the same as normal. Anyone who can give me some advices? Thanks