Hi, I have a job in Flink 1.10.0 which creates data that I need to write to ElasticSearch. Because it really is a Batch (and doing it as a stream keeps giving OOM problems: big + unordered + groupby) I'm trying to do it as a real batch.
To write a DataSet to some output (that is not a file) an OutputFormat implementation is needed. public DataSink<T> output(OutputFormat<T> outputFormat) The problem I have is that I have not been able to find a "OutputFormat" for ElasticSearch. Adding ES as a Sink to a DataStream is trivial because a Sink is provided out of the box. The only alternative I came up with is to write the output of my batch to a file and then load that (with a stream) into ES. What is the proper solution? Is there an OutputFormat for ES I can use that I overlooked? -- Best regards / Met vriendelijke groeten, Niels Basjes