Unfortunately, it isn't possible. You can't set names to steps like
ordinary Java/Scala functions.

On Sat, 29 Feb 2020, 17:11 Niels Basjes, <ni...@basjes.nl> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm playing around with the streaming SQL engine in combination with the
> UDF I wrote ( https://yauaa.basjes.nl/UDF-ApacheFlinkTable.html ) .
> I generated an SQL statement to extract all possible fields of my UDF
> (i.e. many fields) and what I found is that the names of the steps in the
> logging and the UI become ... very very large.
> In fact they become so large that it is hard to read what the step is
> actually doing.
> As an example I get log messages like this (This is 1 logline, I added
> newlines for readability in this email).
> 2020-02-29 14:48:13,148 WARN org.apache.flink.metrics.MetricGroup - The
> operator name
> select: (EventTime, useragent,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'DeviceClass') AS DeviceClass,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'DeviceName') AS DeviceName,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'DeviceBrand') AS DeviceBrand,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'DeviceCpu') AS DeviceCpu,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'DeviceCpuBits') AS DeviceCpuBits,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'DeviceVersion') AS DeviceVersion,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'OperatingSystemClass') AS
> OperatingSystemClass,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'OperatingSystemName') AS
> OperatingSystemName,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'OperatingSystemNameVersion') AS
> OperatingSystemNameVersion,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'LayoutEngineClass') AS
> LayoutEngineClass,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'LayoutEngineName') AS
> LayoutEngineName,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'LayoutEngineVersionMajor') AS
> LayoutEngineVersionMajor,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'LayoutEngineNameVersionMajor')
> AS LayoutEngineNameVersionMajor,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'AgentClass') AS AgentClass,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'AgentName') AS AgentName,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'AgentVersionMajor') AS
> AgentVersionMajor,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'AgentNameVersionMajor') AS
> AgentNameVersionMajor,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'AgentLanguage') AS AgentLanguage,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'AgentLanguageCode') AS
> AgentLanguageCode,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'AgentInformationEmail') AS
> AgentInformationEmail,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'AgentInformationUrl') AS
> AgentInformationUrl,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'AgentSecurity') AS AgentSecurity,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'WebviewAppName') AS
> WebviewAppName,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'WebviewAppNameVersionMajor') AS
> WebviewAppNameVersionMajor,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'Anonymized') AS Anonymized,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'HackerAttackVector') AS
> HackerAttackVector,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'HackerToolkit') AS HackerToolkit,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'KoboAffiliate') AS KoboAffiliate,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'KoboPlatformId') AS
> KoboPlatformId,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'IECompatibilityNameVersionMajor')
> AS IECompatibilityNameVersionMajor,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'Carrier') AS Carrier,
> ITEM(ParseUserAgent(useragent), _UTF-16LE'NetworkType') AS NetworkType,
> clicks, visitors)
> exceeded the 80 characters length limit and was truncated.
> As you can see this impacts not only the names of the steps but also the
> metrics.
> My question if it is possible to specify a name for the step, similar to
> what I can do in the Java code?
> --
> Best regards / Met vriendelijke groeten,
> Niels Basjes

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