Hi Alexandru,

the most likely reason is that you are using *AsyncDataStream* incorrectly.
You have to ensure that all work is done in a separate thread.

AsyncIO will only guarantee that async results are merged back into the
sync stream. The reason is that many libraries have their own thread pool
to send async requests and we didn't want to duplicate that.
In the easiest way, you spawn an executor with
Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10) and submit the jobs and then feed the
results back.

On Wed, Feb 26, 2020 at 2:27 PM Alexandru Vasiu <
alexandru.va...@complyadvantage.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> We have a pipeline which has somewhere a step of 
> *AsyncDataStream.unorderedWait
> *where some web requests are executed. The pipeline works, but when it
> tries to make checkpoints it fails always with a timeout error (and it
> stops at the component containing this async data stream). We are using
> Flink 1.10.0 in Scala 2.12.10 and this config for checkpoints:
> "checkpoints_interval": 180000,
> "min_pause_between_checkpoints": 10000,
> "checkpoints_timeout": 600000,
> "tolerable_checkpoints_failure_number": 20,
> "max_concurrent_checkpoints": 1,
> "checkpoint_mode": CheckpointingMode.EXACTLY_ONCE
> Do you know why checkpointing doesn't work in this case?
> Thank you,
> Alex Vasiu
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